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Buch Behandlung von Persönlichkeitsstörungen

P E R S O N A L I T Y   


The diagnosis of a personality disorder can be initially perplexing for those affected, as the term itself can imply that their entire personality is disturbed or "not good." Additionally, personality disorders may carry stigma even among practitioners, and there is still a misperception that they are untreatable and incurable.

In essence, a diagnosis of a personality disorder describes that a specific way a person is, which brings with it inflexibility and difficulties in that person's life. Each individual possesses different traits that make up their personality. For example, some people may be cautious and reserved, while others may be more extroverted and adventurous. Some may prefer a more withdrawn lifestyle, while others thrive on many social interactions. These characteristics are not inherently problematic, as they are expressions of our unique personalities. However, they can lead to difficulties if a person experiences significant distress due to their traits and their impact on their life.

Treating personality disorders can be highly successful and empowering. I'mcommitted to working with you to develop a treatment perspective that is resource-oriented, appreciative, and effective. If additional treatment from other disciplines is necessary, I collaborate with recognized experts in those fields.

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